13 Feb

Internal links are the essential building blocks of every website, but they're also one of the most undervalued SEO Adelaide strategies. Internal linking is a fundamental way to increase your site's authority by directing search engines and users alike toward your most important content. But internal linking doesn't just benefit SEO; it also helps with user experience and can even reduce bounce rate. In this article, we'll look at five ways you can leverage internal linking to get more traffic from search engines and improve your overall user experience at the same time.

1. Identify pages with strong external backlink profiles to link from.

The first step to internal linking is identifying pages with strong external backlinks. This can be done by using tools like Ahrefs and Moz, which will show you the number of links pointing to each page on your site. You'll want to look for pages that have a high number of quality external backlinks, as well as those linked from other websites (especially high-ranking ones).

2. Identify pages with strong external backlink profiles that you can redirect.

  • Identify pages with strong external backlink profiles that you can redirect.
  • Redirecting to a new page is one of the easiest ways to leverage your existing content, especially if there are already quality backlinks pointing at it.
  • You can use either the 301 or 302 HTTP status codes for redirects; 301 means permanent and 302 means temporary.
  • Keep in mind that this type of internal linking strategy could cause an initial drop in rank as Google takes time to discover the new URL structure and index it appropriately, but over time this should be overcome by increased traffic from better rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs).

3. Identify relevant pages to link from.

  • You can do this by running a keyword analysis on your site, looking at the pages that are ranking for the keywords you want to rank for, and seeing which ones have good external links coming into them.
  • If possible, try to link from those pages with a high level of engagement (e.g., they have lots of comments or social shares). This means people are interested in the content and therefore more likely to click through if there's an internal link pointing back at them!

4. Check for keyword cannibalization.

Keyword cannibalization occurs when the same keyword is used in multiple places on a page. This can be bad for SEO in Adelaide because it dilutes the relevance of that keyword to each page, making it harder for Google to determine which page should rank higher.

For example, if you have "red shoes" written in your title tag and then again in an H1 tag on your home page, this will cause problems for Google because it doesn't know which one should be given priority by search engines when someone searches for "red shoes." To fix this issue make sure that you only use one instance of each related term per page; no more than two at most!

5. Fix broken (404) and redirecting (301, 302) internal links

  • 404 pages are a sign of poor internal linking.
  • Redirecting pages are also a sign of poor internal linking.
  • You need to fix broken and redirecting internal links if you want to improve the performance of your website's search engine rankings.

You can do this by using the right HTTP status codes when you create new URLs or change existing ones on your site: 301 (permanent redirect) and 302 (temporary redirect).


Internal linking is a great way to boost SEO Adelaide and drive organic traffic. It can also help you identify pages that need attention or content updates, as well as broken links that should be fixed. By using these five strategies, you'll be able to create a more robust internal link structure that will benefit both your users and search engines alike! 

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